
Ab-Anbar Gallery: In-Conversation

Friday 31st May, 15:00

Ab-Anbar, 34 Mortimer St, London W1W 7JS
"Omar Kholeif presents a ""captivating account"" of the life and art of feminist artist Nil Yalter in the new book, Nil Yalter: Circular Tension published by Mousse Publishing with the support of Archivorum.

Join Ab-Anbar for a special event on Friday 31 May. Kholeif will read several passages from their new book on the heroic figure, Nil Yalter. Drawing parallels between their own life growing up in Cairo, Egypt and that of Yalter throughout, in the end, history dictates separate paths for each of them. Kholeif will expand on the rationale behind these passages, and discusses the possibilities of presenting art history via the affective possibilities of one's lived experiences. They will be joined in a conversation with Azadeh Zaferani, co-director, Ab-Anbar. Together, they shall discuss the necessary tools required to reveal the errant histories, specifically, the context surrounding the lives of women artists, individuals so often relegated to margins. 

The book will be available for sale at the event (prior to its official UK release date). A signing with the author immediately follows the event. 

Professor Dr. Omar Kholeif is director of collections and senior curator at Sharjah Art Foundation and visiting professor at the Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art Research Unit, Teesside University, UK. www.omarkholeif.com. "

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